Our story

Believe it or not, but The Bread Buzz initially started out as a blog with no intention of ever selling bread directly to consumers. Cassie Rettig is a wife, mom of three, and former professional baker who was looking for a way to organize all of her recipes for easy referencing. So the Bread Buzz was created as a blog to keep the creativity flowing and have everything in one place. A few years pass by and in 2020, people started asking if they could purchase breads? Why not! And so the process of becoming Cottage-Licensed began and now we have a little business!

The Bread Buzz is dedicated to simplicity, patience, and quality. Great care and consideration is taken in the creation of every single loaf of bread that makes it’s way to you. We believe that in breaking bread together, we can find understanding, love, and unity. So please remember to always be kind & be yourself because that’s exactly what the world needs.

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